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The search for a product that can help heal injured and fatigued muscles has been a long standing one.

From natural menthol related products to chemical mixtures to pharmaceutical products containing ibuprofen. There have been plenty of attempts to create something that actually works; however it has not been particularly successful.

Re+ was born from this search and it has been more successful than any of these products, and that has been due to the science involved with each ingredient.

The key to finding the perfect formula and blend of ingredients was very simple, it meant combining both natural and synthetic ingredients.

100% natural products are very much on trend currently. The appeal is understandable, plant based / derived ingredients are viewed as safe, ethical and environmentally friendly, but do they work?

The short answer is, possibly, but not well enough to stand out.

That is where the science behind Re+ comes in.

Re+ is a mixture of naturally occurring ingredients like Chilli, ginger, clove, magnesium, black pepper, lime, cinnamon, orange.

All of these ingredients have science behind them showing they can help with healing and recovery of muscles that have been injured or put under stress. 

Ginger contains a bioactive ingredient that can act as an anti inflammatory as well as studies showing that it can help relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Clove has been proven to help alleviate pain when applied topically.

Cinnamon is a known antioxidant that can help with muscle soreness.

Magnesium has been shown to help with nerve and muscle function and treating osteoporosis.

Combining these ingredients would create a great product, however Re+ needed to be more than this. It needed to have visible results shown in scientific studies which proved without doubt that it works.

This is where Vinyl Butyl Ether comes in (VBE).

VBE is a synthetic ingredient which is 3% of the ingredients in Re+.

It is unique in its ability to increase blood flow to the area it is applied to on the body and this is proven in the scientific tests it was put through.

In testing, VBE showed a 30% increase in micro circulation and blood flow for a minimum of 45 minutes at the amount found in Re+.

The body heals and grows by blood flowing to the areas it is needed delivering oxygen and other essential elements in greater amounts.

This is how Re+ stands out in the market place and it is how Re+ has helped 100s of people with injuries, muscle stiffness, DOMS etc.

Re+ can be used for back pain, shoulder injuries, neck stiffness, tennis elbow, knee pain and much more.

The key to creating Re+ was listening and researching all areas of the science available and combining the best elements. This has so far been a success and makes Re+ the product it is today.  

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